
Review of the most common myths about vaccination

  Vaccinations are one of the most important medical advances that provide effective protection against many infectious diseases. Nevertheless, despite their indisputable contribution to public health, many myths and misunderstandings have grown up around vaccinations. In this article, we will dispel a few of them.

   Myth 1: Vaccines cause autism

  This myth emerged after the publication of a 1998 study that suggested a link between the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and autism. However, this study was retracted due to serious methodological flaws and lack of correlation with the results of other studies. Since then, many independent scientific studies have shown that there is no evidence of such a link.

   Myth 2: Natural immunity is better than that obtained by vaccination

  Although natural immunity - that which results from having survived a disease - can lead to stronger immunity to certain diseases, the risks associated with surviving these diseases are much greater than the potential risks associated with vaccination. Vaccination is a safe and controlled way to stimulate the immune system to provide protection against infectious diseases.

   Myth 3: Vaccines contain dangerous ingredients

  Some vaccines contain substances that may cause concern, such as formaldehyde or aluminum. However, it is important to understand that these ingredients are used in very small amounts and are consistent with safe levels set by health organizations. For example, formaldehyde is used to inactivate viruses, and the amount of this compound in the vaccine is much smaller than the amount naturally found in the human body.

   Myth 4: If other people are vaccinated, I don't need to get vaccinated

  The term "crowd immunity" or "herd immunity" refers to the protection afforded by vaccinating a large proportion of the population. However, to achieve this immunity, a certain level of vaccination is required - usually above 90%. If too many people choose not to vaccinate, this level can fall, making it difficult to control the disease.

   Myth 5: Vaccines cause the diseases they are designed to protect against

  While vaccines are designed to mimic an infection and stimulate an immune response, they do not cause disease. With some vaccines, like for the flu, you may experience mild symptoms such as pain or fever, which are the result of the immune system, not the disease itself.

  In conclusion, vaccination is a key tool in protecting public health and ensuring safety for individuals. Myths about vaccination are many, but it is important to base your decisions on information from reliable sources.


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